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Everything else is a toy.
The Shape S8 is a real 800 size electric model helicopter.
It is a forerunner in this emerging section of model helicopters.

Having a rotor diameter of 1795mm the helicopter has a massive appearance and anything else looks tiny compared to. Though its size is enormous, it was developed in order to make not any compromises in terms of stability and agility. For example this reflects in the extremely massive main gear and a huge one-way bearing of 20mm inner diameter.

Limits of performance are not known so far. The helicopter can endure any conventional drive system in this class. Thanks to its thought-out design you can also equip the helicopter with very lightweight and energy saving components. This way you can realize an overall weight of around 13.2 lb and hence fly very economic. So the Shape S8 meets the requirements of hobbyist pilots as well as of professional 3D competition pilots.
Overall weight (fully equipped):
13.2 lb and more (FAI conform)
Overall length: 1545mm
Height: 494mm
Width (landing gear): 220mm

Main rotor diameter: 1795mm
Tail rotor diameter: 316mm

Main gear: 130 teeth / Mod.1 / 22mm / slanted

Motor pinions: 13 - 16 teeth / Mod.1 / slanted (not included)

Main gear reduction: 10:1 - 8.1:1
Tail drive transmission: 1:4.78

Recommended battery size: 12 - 14 cell LiPo with 4000 - 5300mAh

12 cell drive
ESC: Kontronik HeliJive 120HV / YGE-120HV
Motor: Kontronik Pyro 700-52 or Pyro 700-45

Swashplate servos: XServo 950BL HV
Rudder servo: XServo 980BL HV

MICROBEAST PLUS HD with 2cell LiPo receiver power supply.

14 cell drive
ESC: Kontronik KOSMIK 200HV
Motor: Kontronik Pyro 800-40 or 850-40 / Scorpion HKIII5035-380 or HKIII5035-410

Swashplate servos: XServo 950BL HV
Rudder servo: XServo 980BL HV

MICROBEAST PLUS HD powered from BEC @8.0V and small 2 cell LiPo buffer battery.
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Special features of the Shape S8:

• massive oval shaped tail boom with internal tail push rod
• Push-pull swashplate control to compensate load on the servo gear trains due to the high actuating forces
• 135° (140°) swashplate system for precise control (120° swash plate optional)
• All aluminium parts are anodized for best optical durability and a premium look.
• Carbon parts from high quality solid material
• Pinion with integrated shaft for counter bearing. Thus motors with short shaft length can be used (max. 32mm motor shaft length)
• Easy installation and maintenance by providing good accessibility for the motor
• Canopy with airbrush design. Available in many colour combinations.

and many more… CHEERS!
Empowered by:
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If a pilot does not want to make any compromise,
the Shape S8 is the one and only solution..

Indeed, it needs a little bit of courage.
But limits are there to be exceeded!

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All aluminium parts are mortised to the full carbon main frame to obtain an absolutely precise positioning of the individual components. This not only ensures highest accuracy but also maximum stability of the chassis.

The electric components placement such as motor and speed controller takes into account that today's high-performance drives need a perfect cooling.

The Shape S8 impresses with its clear and functional design. All components such as MICROBEAST Plus HD, receiver, servos, ESC and motor are arranged in a very thought-out way, so that the wiring is very easy and almost invisible to install.
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MAX_8504  MAX_8505  MAX_8507

MAX_8508  MAX_8511  MAX_8509

MAX_8516  MAX_8518  MAX_8515

MAX_8524  MAX_8517  MAX_8519

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You may choose between five different canopy styles. Each canopy has been airbrushed by hand and thus is unique. Anyhow, the good quality will always stay the same.













Don't have one? Get one!

The Shape S8 is sold by
freakware GmbH
HQ Kerpen
Versand, Ladenlokal
Karl-Ferdinand-Braun-Str. 33
50170 Kerpen
Tel.: 02273-60188-0 Fax: -99
freakware GmbH
division south
Neufarner Str. 34
85586 Poing
Tel.: 08121-7796-0
freakware GmbH
division east
Ladenlokal, Servicepoint
Berliner Allee 175
13088 Berlin
Tel.: 030 - 551 493 03



Shape and Shape S8 are registered trademarks
of freakware GmbH.

Responsible for the content of this website is:

freakware GmbH
Karl-Ferdinand-Braun Str. 33
50170 Kerpen, Germany
Email: info@shape-heli.com
CEO: Markus Schaack 

Inhaltlich Verantwortlicher
gemäß § 6 MDStV: Markus Schaack 

Steuernummer gemäß
§27a Umsatzsteuergesetz:
- Beantragt -

gemäß §27a Umsatzsteuergesetz:
- Beantragt -

HRB Reg.-Nr.: HRB 71363

WEEE-Reg-Nr. DE 72549415 
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Webdesign: V32 Designbüro Brammertz         Fotos: Marcus Brammertz